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Reading Colorado: A Literary Road Guide (Bower House Books, 2023)

Reading Colorado, winner of a 2024 Colorado Book Award, is a high-octane road trip through the diverse literary landscapes of the Centennial State, that gathers narratives of exploration, stories from the mining and agricultural frontiers, urban tales reflecting the emergence and growth of Denver and the Front Range, and a diverse range of contemporary voices, from the Plains to the Peaks, who invite readers into their home territory.


Take a drive into the literary landscape of Colorado. Meet Kent Haruf's bachelor farmers in the Eastern Plains, ford the South Platte in a stagecoach with Mark Twain, rail against nuclear weapons with Anne Waldman and Allen Ginsberg, hitch a ride into Denver with Jack Kerouac, climb the highest peaks with Isabella Bird and Enos Mills, explore the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde with Willa Cather.